Jackass Ginger Pool and Ruins

PA210050  We're at the Judd Trail this time...a 1-mile loop that took us through a beautiful pine forest and by a pool we couldn't resist slipping and sliding down into :) TrailBlazer1sm  Liisa - love this photo of the wee babe in the woods! TrailBlazer2sm  Trailblazers indeed! TheKrugssm  Me, Sam and Ben :)
HonuForestsm RentABabyWakessm  Love this shot of Ben just waking up from a hiking nap :) PA210063  Kathy and girls with another great bamboo hiking pole! Kathy has an eye for them! PA210064  Ben and me :) Thanks for the great new pack, Dave!
PA210065  These pines were amazing - very very tall. Still am not sure if Cook or Norfolk. I think Norfolk pines, brought here to make masts. PA210066  Or swords! PA210068 PA210069
PA210070  Back in my favorite hiking shorts - cargo pants from the Old Navy boys' junior section :) PA210073  Sword fight! PA210074  The children were a little weary - no problem, Kathy is strong! PA210079  Snacks revived them :)
PA210081  The jackass ginger pool - apparently a donkey was roped near this pool long ago. And there is ginger growing nearby. PA210082 PA210089  A little precarious getting down there, but worth it. PA210090
PA210093  Ruins of Kaniakapupu...King Kamehameha III's summer palace. Very interesting place to visit. Apparently a luau for 10,000 people was held here. This was where he entertained foreign celebrities and dignitaries in the mid 1800s. PA230040 PA230030 PA230042
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PA210096 PA210098  Almost looks like Scottish ruins from 1200! PA210100 PA210102
PA230005 PA230009  Dave came back with us a few days later when the sun was out... PA230012 PA230021
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