Day 12 waiting for space-a flight
Video: 2009-04-muddin-on-mtn-bike
I’m just guessing it’s day 12 – certainly at least that many days scanning the schedule daily. I have driven to Hickam four times over the past two weeks trying to get a better sense of the schedule as far out as I can. Then the flights we shoot for decide not to take passengers, or only have 1 seat free. There’s a backlog of people now. It’s turning into the space-a odyssey that you always hear about. Even with appropriate planning, foresight and advance registration…but I’m still hoping for the best. In the meantime, I’m not sleeping well because each night I go to bed seriously thinking we’re flying out the next day, only to check to see how many seats have been freed up and find either one or none. yikes. So today while Dave went into work (it’s Saturday) we were charged with going to have some fun. We did. We took Sam’s mountain bike to base and after running some errands we went muddin’. Sam tried his first mud puddles and logs, sand trails and hard pack tracks. We had a blast! I couldn’t get him off the bike even an hour and a half later! Here is a lot of video for the Sam fans. Ben was in my arms the whole time. What a trooper watching his big brother so faithfully.