“Aloha, sorry I can’t get to my owner just now…”

Enjoying a hike with our buddies before they move. (Click for more.)

Enjoying a hike with our buddies before they move. (Click for more.)

I’ve had such a couple funny nights with the boys that tonight I managed to lose my phone again! This is twice in two weeks!!! We were out biking around in the park when Dave called from Guam, I talked to him for a bit, and somehow the phone disappeared after I hung up. Oy! I wish I had a locator or some way to trace it. I guess there are ways to do that but you have to subscribe to them before you lose it. I keep calling the phone but I guess it hasn’t been picked up yet. Anyone have any ideas? It’s a cheap $40 phone thankfully. On the bright side, we had a really fun hike this morning with our buddies…pictures and notes to be found through the photo above.

Last night on our way home from Farmer’s Market, Ben wanted to walk, then it turned into a jog and he never stopped, except to check out the scooting chickens, the dogs woofing, a kid on a skateboard who lost the board into a drainage thing when he tried to jump it up on the curb (which Sam found hilarious!), the random egg nestled into grass on the side of the road (was it Chuck-the-Chicken-Duck’s egg? will it hatch?)…our street has many interesting things to see and enjoy if you have the right frame of mind. As we made our way home dodging signposts, sharp mailboxes which have settled into the ground askew, and fire hydrants (which Ben wanted to sing into, LOUDLY), families would peer out kitchen windows or smile off their front porches. I felt like the crazy-parade rolling through town and was thankful we’re all good runners in case someone didn’t find us quite so funny! So Ben jogged all the way home, over a mile, and Sam got a good 2-mile jog in since he jogged over with me on the way there. It’s amazing how much fun the most random escapades can end up being. The mental images of our family that I have still crack me up. Tonight as we sat at Kalapawai having dessert (after I’d realized I had lost my phone!) Sam was making farting noises into his popsicle and Ben was screeching in laughter at that while I had tears rolling down my cheeks and could help but laugh with them. Thankfully their laughs are infectious and people seem to enjoy us having a good time. I did apologize last night as we rolled by a restaurant rather loudly – a younger lady and another couple was having wine out in the outdoor area and we had lost total situational awareness and were high-fiving each other rather exuberantly. So I said “I’m sorry! We were just so thrilled to get across the street!” (It may sound overwrought but here’s what we had going on – 4 lanes of traffic with me carrying Ben like a 40lb football as he yelled that he wanted to “RUN!” while pushing the stroller and minding Sam’s whereabouts, all while keeping Ben’s slippers still on him! I was sure that he had kicked them off as he often does and they’d be stranded out in traffic as he wanted to keep running…whew. The lady with the wine was like “Oh no! It’s fine – love the sound of children!” I am thankful for them, and for like-minded folks. Mind you, we don’t always run wild, but the last couple days have been pretty funny…wish I could change my phone’s voicemail greeting to the subject of this post!

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