
Pic-01292013-002  Can you believe Ben built this all by himself? Pic-01302013-002  On errands with mom! Pic-02012013-001 Pic-02022013-001  Really enjoying looking at crystals and rocks in Port Townsend!
Pic-02022013-002  Nice walk with everyone despite being sick. Pic-02022013-004  Can you see who is at the top of the tree? Pic-02022013-005 Pic-02042013-001
Pic-02052013-001  Mommy was pretty weird one morning. She asked the boys what they'd like for breakfast. It was a gross joke, but suffice to say a spider had a bit of tummy trouble. The boys thought it was funny. The next day was toasted beetles (not bagels) :) Pic-02052013-002  Ben built a very nice wall with a set-off! Pic-02082013-001  Reptile man holding a HUGE tortoise! Pic-02082013-002  This caused all kinds of squeaing in the front row - this is in Sam's school Commons area.
Pic-02082013-006  A fake snake jumped out of a box and scared everyone, me included! You can see Ben is now standing up, ready for anything, with his headlamp on :) Pic-02082013-008  Sam holding Lucy the crocodile! Pic-02082013-011  Beautiful anaconda - very friendly - named Sunny. Pic-02082013-012
Pic-02082013-013  Sam holding Sunny - he was very gentle and told the other kids not to badger it and be rough with it. Pic-02092013-002  At First Reconciliation! Pic-02092013-003  Lighting a candle after talking to the priest and saying prayers together. It is a beautiful rite of passage marking a young man's faith development. The church is doing a wonderful job. Pic-02122013-001  Sam home sick, but out and about for errands and a little treat :)
Pic-02122013-002  Now at the library! Pic-02132013-001  A pinball maze with magnets! Thanks for the idea, Judy! Pic-02132013-002 Pic-02132013-003  More experiments - seeing what else is magnetic. Turns out there's a corner brace that is metal! Ben had such fun experimenting.
Pic-02132013-004  Chickens all laying again! This is about 10 days' worth. Pic-02162013-001  Playing around with anything shaped like a domino "stone"! This is at Bay Hay and Feed. These make a nice sound when they topple. Pic-02172013-001  Well, we were figuring out how many views Sam would have on DominoDude1000 by one month in if he keeps accruing views at the rate of 85 per week. Turns out we found a very long repeating decimal! He'll have 364.285714 (repeat decimal) by one month in! Pic-02172013-002  Davey likes this fence.
Pic-02172013-004  Such a cute boy. He can finally walk again after his Kindergarten shots. Who knows if he has been playing up the stiffness in the DTaP leg, or if it really was that painful. But my goodness. Needed an elevator key at a site visit we were on the day after shots. Limping all the time. Pretending he can't bend his leg. Oy! Pic-02172013-005  Out at Fish Park in Poulsbo. Dave had not seen all the work they've done there since we moved away. The boys and I managed to "waste" about 20 min at this stump one day while we were waiting to meet up with Dave for dinner one weekend when he was down at work for the day. Pic-02172013-006  Silly guys! They are very big. Ben had his checkup so I can officially report he is 48 inches and 48 pounds. Off the charts on height, 90th percentile on weight. Sam is I don't know how tall, and he can lift me up! My days of rule are over! Pic-02172013-007  We found Island Lake in Silverdale to be surprisingly pretty.
Pic-02172013-008  I played a new game of tag with my boys and three others whose parents were off just watching. It is called toilet tag. Well, I went full bore down a slide to catch someone and landed in a massive puddle. I got my bottom completely soaked! I got FLUSHED I said - the boys were really laughing. The dock doesn't really slope like this - odd angle. Pic-02172013-009  Taking the boys to another chain restaurant they have not visited yet. We thought of my Uncle Tom who loves Red Lobster after running marathons. Love you, Uncle Tom! Pic-02192013-001  Out on a hike with some kids from class during break. It was low tide so we were able to walk the beach, just like in Hawaii! So fun. Loved it. Then out for hilarious lunch at Treehouse Cafe. Pic-02192013-002
Pic-02192013-004  The boys adore wading in the water. Thankful for cheap waterproof boots :) Pic-02192013-005  Yup - out as far as we can justify. :) Pic-02192013-006  Hilarious lunch! My friend Misty was great entertainment - such great kiddos and moms. Even ice cream afterwards! Pic-02192013-007  Would anyone care for more water? :) Thanks, Susan!
Pic-02192013-009  Chickens having such a nice dust bath. Pic-02192013-012  Can you find Sam? Pic-02192013-015  He's big enough to roll this beast out to the road without having it toss him into the ditch off to the left. I had to dig him out from under recycling last fall - we were both laughing so hard as people drove by seeing legs sticking out from all directions. Pic-02192013-016  Little Ben is being my baby "owl" :)