P8050008  On this hike we were also looking for a geocache site - a place where some little "treasures" were hidden behind a tree. We had the GPS coordinates and were excited to look for the treasure behind a tree with a knot in it. We had to explain to the kids what a knot in a tree looked like - whether an "innie" or an "outie" - this root had both! P8050009  Here we go, looking for treasure! p8050010 p8050015  Great trail for the kids. About .7 miles one way to the summit.
p8050016  Some trail runners! p8050019  Here's a shot of Kathy and Caleigh that is very similar to one I love that Dave took of me and Sam. p8050022 p8050024  Almost Sound of Music-esque emerging onto this ridgeline!
p8050027 P8050029  The valleys to either side were beautiful. P8050034  Lunch break! P8050035  Hugs for mom :)
P8050037  Sam is so messy! I was silly to put chocolate chips in our trail mix! P8050038  But it WAS good :) P8050040 P8050041  Hiking buddies!!!
P8050045  Somehow the camera got stuck on the macro setting! That's Honolulu behind us. p8050051  Heading back down the trail, keeping an eye out for that "knotty" tree! p8050052 p8050057  Ben is increasingly alert for the hikes. He was surprised by the sound and feel of the wind - there were some good gusts.
p8050058  Little hiker buddy! Love the new lightweight hat! p8050060  We think we're in the right area now, judging by the GPS coordinates. p8050061  Off trail now a little bit, looking behind trees. Kathy was a good spotter! P8050070  The mother lode! What is it, kids?!
p8050073  This one is called the Pu'u Pia Toy Box, so we had high hopes :) P8050080  Kathy was excited, too! We were not leaving until we found it :) p8050075 p8050076
p8050082 p8050086 P8050088  A perfect A! p8050090  Sam got a little McDonald's toy I think, and Kathy's girls picked this out! She was such a trooper blowing it up a dozen times when we got back to the trucks.
p8050095  No end of silliness with this! P8050096 P8050097  Just one more time?! P8050099