“Would you PLEASE stop SQUEAKING!?”

The morning - the VERY morning that Sam spotted a mouse in our bathroom, look what popped up on my Russian language learning app?

The morning – the VERY morning that Sam spotted a mouse in our bathroom, look what popped up on my Russian language learning app?

I had to study the snap traps a bit to get them rigged up just right. I was fiddling with one on the counter and sprang it with a fork to test it. It FLEW three feet into the air and the boys’ eyes were WIDE! Even Mr. Sam, who by now is 11, and knows ALL. Then it was time to add bait. I messed up – EPIC fail – and ended up with cheese in my hair. This was also amusing to some fans…but eventually got it all set…

I went to the hardware store with Ben later in the day and might have been squeaking a little ("SQUEAK! SQUEEAAK!") as we walked around looking for mouse traps. Finally found some - got glue and regular snap ones. Ready for battle!

I went to the hardware store with Ben later in the day and might have been squeaking a little (“SQUEAK! SQUEEAAK!”) as we walked around looking for mouse traps. Finally found some – got glue and regular snap ones. Ready for battle!

We also bought a TWIX bar and laid a boy trap. Look who we caught? A BIG one!

We also bought a TWIX bar and laid a boy trap. Look who we caught? A BIG one!

One Comment

  1. Gramma 3 February, 2016

    I can’t stop laughing!! I can’t! So, next time, try peanut butter, ok? That’s what I want to see in your hair! WAHOOO!

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