Whew! What a week!

Just a quick note this Friday – it’s 5pm in Yokosuka (actually it’s now 9:30pm Saturday) and I’ve been thinking of you family and friends often. After more than 24 hrs in transit, starting at midnight with a reverse-Cinderella departure by large black Suburban, we arrived in Yokosuka on Wed 8/24 at 4:44 in the afternoon. Every minute since has been occupied with getting checked in – area brief every day for Dave and I, kids registered in school, laundry, ramen slurped, homework done, to-do list tackled…(I had to find a special to-do list app to stay synced with my 27 tasks!). Despite the busy-ness and the “OMG did we seriously just move to Japan?” moment two nights ago we are all doing very very well and taking every advantage of this beautiful and unique place. This weekend I’ll try to get pictures of the summer, baby chicks and camping during hockey camp in British Columbia up but wanted to share a quick hello to let you know you’re missed! Here are some snapshots…

Pool time on Friday – Olympic size pool is on second story of the gym!

Walking to school

Coffee in a can from a vending machine got Dave and me through our area orientation brief last week. Passed the written driver’s test – behind the wheel is Friday!

Favorite ramen restaurant so far!

A walk in Mikasa Park after ramen.

My attempts today to find a stable for riding – Google translate in record mode was hilarious! I asked two stable hands for help and we stumbled along until I realized the microphone might help with a real-time translation service. It mostly did but we laughed a lot when we saw them say something about a “foreigner”! Mighta been “crazy gaijin”!

Perhaps a little small? Cute horses and beach riding option at this place. Would be fun once but pricey!

Miura Peninsula coastline. Warm water and very wide sandy beaches not crowded at all because it’s no longer considered “summer” here. Very season-conscious.

The kids love sushi delivered to your table on a conveyor belt!

Our tour today ended with a double rainbow! “Oh dude?! Is that a double rainbow? What does it MEAN??? “


  1. Bill pops 3 September, 2016

    Really glad to hear from you ? looks like you will get along very well over there ? sushi on conveyor belt ? love to all, pops

  2. Bill pops 3 September, 2016

    Doesn’t like emotes

  3. Sara M 4 September, 2016

    What an awesome adventure Alli! I love seeing your pictures! Love to all of you! Sara M

  4. Gramma 4 September, 2016

    Thanks for posting!!!! Do the kids still have the exquisite Ramen-eating skills they had in Hawaii? My mental picture is as clear as yesterday! Do you remember? We were glad Davey was traveling! I’ll read your post several more times and examine every picture detail- can you tell I miss you? Sending loads of love and prayers as you navigate all the details of each day. Hugs to all.

  5. Allison Krug 4 September, 2016

    Yes of course I remember! The kids slurped a lot and it turns out that is very appropriate! 😉

  6. Kim P. 6 September, 2016

    Thanks so much for subscribing me to your newsletter. I think of you so often. I look for your yellow Xterra everywhere even though I know you are gone in my mind, my heart is still looking and hoping to wave hello (even though when I saw you – you were usually on your phone – while driving too!) Anyway – love the pictures – helps to try to imagine your new life. Hope the boys are adjusting to school and that you are soon driving. Everyone here wishes you well.

  7. Allison Krug 6 September, 2016

    Hi Kim!
    Thank you so much for your note! I miss you, too, and think of you so very often! I’m finally out of AOB orientation and am looking forward to connecting with you! The boys were wondering just yesterday how Joel’s trip to Alaska went 🙂 More via email.. 🙂 And yes – it was a wild year for sure. I used drive time to get phone-based stuff done, or call my mom (albeit too infrequently!). Eeek…not hoping for more sanity this year, but perhaps less insanity? How are you doing with your to-do list compulsions? I need to go get Sam for a dentist appointment to fix that tooth…think I should sign off here soon? 😉
    Love you!

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