weekend adventures

My hero - the mouse eradicator enroute to flight to undisclosed location...

My hero - the mouse eradicator enroute to flight to undisclosed location...

So yesterday morning I awoke to TWO mice in ONE glue trap right where I thought the buggers were coming out. Bonzai! BUT – they were VERY vigorous. One of them more than the other. It was staring me down. I tried to gather the courage to get it into a grocery bag and out into the trash before the trash guys came and the boys woke up. I figured without my contacts in I wouldn’t really see what I was doing and it wouldn’t freak me out, well when I got close enough and they came into focus, I did freak out. I went and got my glasses, tried to call Dave to walk me through it,  got his voicemail, left teary message. (Yes, lame, I know; you thought I was tougher than this. So did I!) Next tactic was give them a little ride to the front door via pushing with Swiffer. But the one started to lunge toward the Swiffer and seemed to almost come loose. I was brandishing the Swiffer at it and yelling “NO!” like it would listen. This thing seemed 4 ft tall to me by now. I was shaking and literally covered in sweat at this point. Then I started thinking of who else I could call. Virtually all the men I know are either deployed or heading off island this weekend. I tried calling Angel – turns out she was on a walk without her cell phone but dropped by my house with bananas and left them at the gate while I was inside grappling with my mouse fears. She would have had no problem getting them into a back, she later assured me, having grown up in a trailer where all sorts of “visitors” came. Next I called Jay and Dana, neighbors with whom we kind-of have a contract that the guys bail us girls out of critters if the other’s spouse is gone. Would you believe Jay was literally on his way to the airport but turned the truck around to come help me?!!!!! So we went for a run, stopped by the hardware store on the way home to get some super foam that grows and fills up gaps. Not messing around, I got way down in there to fill the entire crack where they were coming in. I managed to get super-foam in my hair, tried acetone to get it out of my hair, but then had to cut a shock off. I think I heard mice in the walls last night – Dave assures me (safely by phone from gorgeous Lake Tahoe) that there’s no way they could still be in the house. Hopefully I get a full night’s sleep tonight.

Another man heading off island - Luke on his way to college!

Another man heading off island - Luke on his way to college!

 Next on the agenda was a hike with Leo and her girls Sunday morning. We had a great time at the Friendship Garden, found some macadamia nuts to crack open, read signs along the way for each type of tree, and explored the bamboo forest. We’re off to Bayfest this evening for some good old-fashioned carnival fun and a concert (Ten Feet) at 5pm. Dave has sent me some pictures from Tahoe. He looks awesome with bold mountains, dark green pines, crystal blue lake waters and sunshine on his face! I am feeling the pull to Idaho next…I have GOT to get near some regular snow, space, and mountains. I would even consider buying a horse (again).


  1. Gramma 16 August, 2009

    Horses? Hundreds live 2 houses away from us!

    You had me in hysterics when you told me the mouse story on the phone. Those are persistent mice — they avoided capture even when you’d borrowed another dog plus a cat!

    I sure hope you sleep tonight! Love to you and your nifty boys.

  2. Molly P. 17 August, 2009

    Omg what an ordeal!!!! I think you are very brave and handled it way better than I would have! I’ve followed Dave a bit on facebook through his Tahoe adventures. It reminds me of my honeymoon and it’s been fun to think on the memories.

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