Tigers and beans

Watching some African birds chasing each other with a piece of cardboard in their beaks.

Watching some African birds chasing each other with a piece of cardboard in their beaks.

Sam says he liked the tigers the best (daddy bought him a tiger at the gift shop on the way out) and Ben seemed to really enjoy these big birds chasing each other around with cardboard hanging from their beaks. Tonight we had a laugh at the boys – Sam would not eat a green bean to save his soul until this year when he and I started doing bean races to see who could chomp and swallow one first. He still requests beans now to do that game. Ben, on the other hand, fussed until he got the bowl of veggies and sifted through trying to get the green beans and LIMA beans!!!! This is the same kid who fussed and protested eating salmon because he didn’ t like the texture (nor did he eat his shrimp tonight). But green beans, which feel like you’re eating a chicken claw, are a delicacy to be favored? Someone please explain?!

One Comment

  1. Gramma Oli 24 July, 2009

    Truly, mommy, you are so much fun! Great pic, too. Love your earrings! *chortle*

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