Swamp Romp!!!


Video of us crossing the line…thanks to Ang!

It’s the morning of the Swamp Romp and I am downing some coffee and a Clif bar. I’ve got new cammies on (couldn’t find used ones in my size), combat boots, and I’ve got a gear kit full of duct tape, New Skin, Vaseline, antibiotic cream… You don’t want to know about that one. My friend Leo reported in yesterday morning from Wal-Mart that she’d found the final piece of team apparel we needed – hot pink bandanas with skulls on them! We’ll be wearing them on our heads so we can be easily spotted coming out of the mu (there are journalists and photographers looking for us at the finish since we think we’re the largest team ever fielded for this race!). We’ll be decorating our white tank tops with Sharpies this morning (inscribing our nicknames on them) and wrapping up our feet in duct tape to prevent blisters. It’s t-minus-9 minutes before liftoff to the rally point…so I should go and finish putting on my stuff. This will be very interesting and a lot of fun – we get to try being Marines for a few hours. We anticipate it taking at least 90 minutes to cover 6 miles in the mud. I saw the mud yesterday, by the way. There were HUGE tanks, three of them, coming out of the little trail where Sam and I run. They were in there churning up the mud for us. Hopefully the 6″ African slugs found new homes…Stay tuned for pictures – Dave will be at the finish line with Sammy and Ang, and my mom. 🙂


So I’ve showered up, washed my hair twice, cleaned the bathroom of debris, and even put on foundation to cover up the war paint which didn’t come off so easily. I think I look pretty good now! Dave just looked at me, though, and asked what was on my eyes – “Is that dirt?” he asked. After consulting with Ang and checking the mirror, I realized the “dirt” was eyeliner. He is not accustomed to seeing me wear it, nor apparently do I know how to apply it 🙂 We are looking forward to hanging out with the team at our house in a few hours. Off to get lunch and beer 🙂

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