“One jump from the sky”

This is the song that greeted me this morning. Sam sings new songs every day. This one features the Holy Spirit and something about “working on the railroad.” He’s very interested in a new book from the library – The Rescue of Babar – and the tunnel featured in there. We’ve been building block tunnels, double-high tunnels, and talking about going through the tunnels on H3 in our truck. Sam told me “when you put Ben down for a nap, I’m going to drive up the road that goes over the mountain and through the tunnel and look for the old-fashioned lanterns.” This is my first morning back at work. I’m taking a quick break. I miss playing with Sam and I am really tired. I’ve been up since 5am and Ben was a naughty napper this morning, fussing and crying and getting overtired. I finally took a shower, rubbed his belly and said “Ben, it’s time to sleep.” Thankfully, an answer to prayer, he went right to sleep immediately. He’s still asleep. It’s a bit early for me to hit the writing again but everything will settle down soon, I’m sure. I just have to gut through these early weeks. I’ve committed to writing 6 pieces before the end of July, so please keep me in your prayers that I can be productive despite too little sleep! Thank you 🙂

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