New forum for men – how to run a tight household

After talking with several friends whose husbands have very distinct ideas about how to wash dishes, clean the house, do laundry, etc. it seemed worthwhile to provide a forum for these men to share their wisdom. For instance, is it permissible to wash colors together with whites as long as the clothes have been washed before and the washer is on cold? (Alli’s answer, why YES, of course – I even wash them on warm – wooo hooo, BIIIIG risk-taker I am 🙂 !) Is it ok to let the dishes soak for several hours in hot, soapy water before washing them? Furthermore, if you wash the sink with bleach first, is it ok to allow the dishes to contact the sink surface while rinsing them? My friends really appreciate that we are married to men with such high standards. After all, we could be commiserating that they don’t do anything around the house, are lazy, whatever. I was also thinking maybe Dave could tag his belongings with a GPS chip to figure out if they’ve moved while he was gone, and tie this into a webcam so he could monitor any seismic anomalies from work with Google maps (remember the query about the entry way table moving an inch the other morning?). This might also prove helpful if certain items go missing…sunglasses, iPod, etc. We love you, husbands!!!

One Comment

  1. Esteban JUAN 6 February, 2007

    All I know is that my hand doesn’t fit in most cups and silverware is just a bitch to clean. Oh and never put dairy products in a beer glass because no matter how well you clean them (the glasses) they will never again support a good head.

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