“more cleanin’ and more lovin'”

Last night I asked Sam what he’d like to do more of – were there any activities that he wished we’d do more. After thinking only briefly he said “mooore cleeeaa-nin and mooooore lovin'”! These boys are so cute we want a third! (Boy, that is.)

Yesterday morning I ran the kids (literally) to drop Sam off at preschool. I figure if I run the 7 mile roundtrip once a week and also run errands in Kailua with the stroller, I save maybe a gallon or two a week. Maybe $20 a month? And shave off some more Ben-baby pounds. All sounds good, right? Except when I forget that I booked myself for power yoga at the Y that same morning. I ran home, quickly nursed Ben, changed shirts and booked it to the Y. No wonder my legs were shaking in warrior pose. I totally outdid myself. In the 5 hours I’d been up, 3 had already been consumed with exercise. Today I am sore and a bit cranky. Poor Dave – everything is a delicate balance with me…and I am rarely balanced. Usually teetering on the edge of something! ha!


  1. Liisa Roberts 18 October, 2008

    I think I am going to find a rope and bind you to something heavy and make you sit down quietly for 3 hours. No computer, no phone, no work, no nothing.. You will have to pump and Dave can feed Ben. Maybe I will leave a book. fiction only. Nonfiction would only layout instructions for you on how to build or make something. This in turn will get you so motivated you will break through the super binding job I did and you will have to build what ever the book was about..

    hehe How do we say, “Ãœber”?


  2. Gramma (Oli) 21 October, 2008

    Ditto to Liisa! Otherwise, you’ll only be a blur when we get there in a few days!

    Smootches to everyone!


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