“Mom! Tonight is the end of antares.”

Sam called to me thusly as I tucked him in – antares is a star in the eastern sky which is a supernova about to happen. Sometime in the next 100,000 years. But it could be any day. You never know. After the boys get jammies on we go to check on the stars, and antares to see if it’s gone “supernova” yet. Sam reminded me of white dwarfs and red giants this morning. I asked if I could dress up as a white dwarf star for Halloween and he looked at me like “Duh, mom, no!” He told Dave tonight as we were out on the deck looking at the stars that “They use hydrogen for fuel and when the hydrogen is all out they die.” I, on the other hand, said some very silly things tonight. Such as “I am not sure we can see the North Star from here. It might be too low on the horizon.” Dave quickly corrected me that the North Star is named as such since anyone in the northern hemisphere can see it. Ahhhhh… Then I told Dave that Sam had asked this morning about scientists – specifically “What kind of scientist studies fires?” Tonight I was relaying the story to Dave while we were putting jammies on boys and slipped right into the trap of saying “it must be an arsonist, right?” (It DOES end in ist!) Dave shook his head and tried to fight off a little smile 🙂 I saw it – there was a smile “Well, I guess so!”

One Comment

  1. Gramma 26 August, 2009

    I better bone up on star stuff! My repertoire is nil. I KNOW that stealth smile you noticed!

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