“I’m just a peaceful kind of guy.”

Sam is often very quiet when in new situations or meeting new people. He’s a wild guy at home throwing musical shows, dancing around, romping, playing soccer with his friends, etc. He has no shortage of things to say, or questions to ask. He loves describing what he is building (right now a “combat playground” complete with things to go over or under, or swing from, “bigger than Daddy!”). But he was over at a friend’s house today (Aiden K.) and was very quiet. Aiden clearly wants to talk with Sam but doesn’t know how to get started. I felt helpless, too, even though I’m the mom and talk with him all the time. I didn’t know what to suggest. When we got home I asked Sam why he is often quiet when at a friend’s house. Sam replied “I’m just a peaceful kind of guy.” How appropriate? And how perfect. He was created by God to be just how he is. Quiet folks observe a lot. I know – I married one, and much to my chagrin this is quite true! Dave doesn’t miss a thing. So I will gently encourage him to engage in friendships, but hopefully never try to change who he is at his core.

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