I need to do some research to keep up with Dave…

Dave's latest Amazon purchase

Dave's latest Amazon purchase

But my brain is not completely dead. I did hazard a guess as to how many miles it is from here to Aberdeen, Scotland. I looked at Sam’s placemat (a map of the world with longitudes) and counted how many “squares” from the islands to Scotland. Seemed like about 45% of the total circumference of the earth. That would be about 11,000 miles. With a little tutoring from Dave, I calculated miles in latitude and longitude (the A-squared and B-squared of the Pythagorean theorem) to get to my C-squared. I was only off by about 112 miles – the correct answer is about 11,112 miles or 44.6% of the earth’s circumference. So we are indeed traveling about halfway around the world to my brother’s wedding next month. But still…Dave is clearly the intellectual! This book is not a school-related purchase. Does that scare you a little?

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