first shake-down hike


The three of us headed out for Ben’s first hike today. He is 13 days old. We chose the nearby Friendship Garden – it’s 5 minutes away and only about a mile and a half long. A little climbing, a good lookout for a snack, and great views. Plus, plenty of “loot” in the form of sticks and seed pods to bring home. Sam found a stick that he says is a golf club, a shoe clearer-outer (to get rocks out of his crocs), and also holds branches aside so you can see under leaves, etc. Ben went to sleep with a little coaxing and I got to enjoy the walk with my long-time hiking buddy. 🙂 Our Snugli front carrier continues to work well but I really wish someone would make an attachment for water and snacks that goes on the back. As it is I have to hook on a fanny pack as well but there’s not much room for a diaper once you throw in a Camelback water reservoir. Dave’s reply (when I encountered this hassle while hiking with Sam as an infant) is that most people are not hiking with children at that age, before they can go in a backpack carrier with storage underneath. Maybe someone reading this post will make me an attachment! I’m sure there’s a market for it…even if just a small one…

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