Easter weekend

Easter egg hunt bbq!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend and hope all of you did as well. We are blessed to share a great life here with family and friends, and we think of all our family and friends who are far away. We miss you! Lots of great pictures of our weekend in the album, click on the picture above to visit. Aloha nui loa to each of you!

PS I forgot to mention that Sammy was a real hit at church today. He started off with blowing farts on his arm before the service started, then during the closing prayer he burped and said “AMEN” heartily. He was really pretty good throughout the service and people enjoyed his hearty AMEN’s 🙂 Tonight he came out with a tube of lotion and said “ant ootie ubs” (want footie rubs) – something I had done for him once months ago. So I showed him how to recline on the sofa and enjoy his footie massage. Within seconds his little head was lolling and he had a line of drool rolling off his chin 🙂


  1. Gramma Oi 8 April, 2007

    This afternoon, as I was leaving my cottage, the lady in the front house came out to greet me by saying, “Amen, and Amen!” Since I’d heard from Alli already, about Sammy’s “church amen”, I knew exactly what the lady was doing to get my attention! She had been sitting behind Dave, Alli and Sammy at church!! Everyone loved him there — who wouldn’t?

    The Easter egg hunt last night was adorable! Don’t miss the pictures!

  2. Angel 12 April, 2007

    Sam looks like he was really into finding those eggs… Adorable!

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