

Here’s Sammy calling his friend Dado (DAH-doe).  See the finger pointing? We are on our way home from the Y with Gramma (who took the picture). He was calling “Dado” to see if he could come over and play when we got home. Sam was quiet for a long time while Dado “spoke.” He looks like he’s a big executive riding in the back of his limo making calls to close deals.

We’re still working on wrapping up this kitchen project – we’re maybe 90% done. Dave’s eye surgery (PRK) went well on Monday. He has a contact in each eye to protect the healing epithelium which covers the cornea. He said the weirdest part was the brushing of the epithelium before the laser burned the cornea into shape. You are awake and watching the whole thing with your eyes pinned open. (I am totally certain I could not bear that.) He will be back at work on Friday. In the meantime he’s been home helping put up the new fan, dimmers, and trying to convalesce. Oh, and manage my frustration at not being able to put everything away yet – frustrated nesting continues!

Tomorrow is our big ultrasound. Looking forward to finding out who is in there 🙂

One Comment

  1. Gramma Oli 12 December, 2007

    WooooHooooo, Pete and I got to make gramma eggs in the new kitchen! It’s incredible over there! I’m crazy about the Silestone “sparkley” countertop, in addition to all the other new goodies. I discovered the Profile fridge has a “measurer” when you put a cup under the water dispenser. It digitally tells you how much you’ve put in your glass, and Davey explained you can pre-set it to whatever you want dispensed. If you want a 1 cup fill you can set it for that. There’s all new cookware, too!!

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