Posts in Category: mountain biking

Mountain biking with boys

Testing out the bikes on a trail which isn't too technical for Ben. Usually I am running alongside but this time I am ALSO on a bike! So Ben has to handle braking and shifting on his own with no mom parachute :)

Testing out the bikes on a trail which isn’t too technical for Ben. Usually I am running alongside but this time I am ALSO on a bike! So Ben has to handle braking and shifting on his own with no mom parachute 🙂

A sweet little meadow along the wooded way.

A sweet little meadow along the wooded way.

Here comes Ben with Daddy behind. He enjoyed time riding with Dave, as did Sam. They each got time with Dave :)

Here comes Ben with Daddy behind. He enjoyed time riding with Dave, as did Sam. They each got time with Dave 🙂

Ben was being his loud self in the truck, singing, as Dave deftly hooked up four bikes to the carrier. It is no easy trick. A young couple came by and got in their Jeep. I could tell by the multiple looks that they were thinking what I used to think upon seeing this sort of scene..."My goodness. Wow. I am not sure I'm ready for ANY of that!"

Ben was being his loud self in the truck, singing, as Dave deftly hooked up four bikes to the carrier. It is no easy trick. A young couple came by and got in their Jeep. I could tell by the multiple looks that they were thinking what I used to think upon seeing this sort of scene…”My goodness. Wow. I am not sure I’m ready for ANY of that!”

Testing mobile post


Out mountain biking in the rain 🙂 So peaceful!

How in the world do I hit post?


Capturing rain for a drink 🙂