building a compost bin

Both boys were pretty helpful building the pallet-compost bins. Ben handled the hooks on the ends and Sam did some drilling. He was actually able to get that wily screw started even though it was a really long deck screw! We managed to run RIGHT into nails on the other side, though. So it was a good project to work on for all of us. Alli is trying to get certified on power tools so she can do more building projects...certified by Dave.

Time to snuggle some chickens! We put the "grown-ups" in the coop run and played with the babies while we moved compost around. This is Gordon who was hatched in our incubator on Ben's birthday. Check back in May for his "baby" pictures 🙂 Like his hair style? He and Sam look very similar in the mornings! We love this bird.

Here is a shot of his whole body so you can see how big he is getting. We still have more roosters than we not sure what we are doing, but Gordon is staying for sure!


And here are the finished bins! Those chickens are rotating it for me...ha ha ha!


  1. Gramma 11 September, 2012

    We miss you so much! This afternoon, Richard popped off and said, with a smile, “When do we go up to WA again?” We just got home!!! Love the comment about Gordon and Sam’s hair! The bins look great!! Especially the “auto-turners”!

  2. alli 11 September, 2012

    Awwww! When DO you come back? We have a coat rack to fix!!!! LOVE THE AUTO-TURNERS! HA! LOL 🙂

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