Book Journal
BOOK CLUB – journal of books read with boys (by Sam’s grade level at the time). Complete titles and authors provided where possible.
1st grade
The Lewis and Clark Expedition (Landmark Book Series)
Something out of Nothing: Madame Curie and Radium (Carla Killough McClafferty)
The Brooklyn Bridge: They Said it Couldn’t Be Built (Judith St. George)
2nd grade
George Washington Frontier Colonel (Landmark)
Winter at Valley Forge (Landmark)
The Marquis de Lafayette (Landmark)
Will Shakespeare and The Globe Theater (Landmark)
Roger’s Rangers and the French and Indian War (Landmark)
The Hobbit (Tolkien) – May/June 2013
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (CS Lewis) – June 2013
You are all “wealthy”, thanks to mom’s reading list. There’s nothing better, except the Bible which I already know, has continued to be taught from babyhood on. What a fascinating list. Reading brings the world to our doorsteps. 🙂