B I T E? I mean, I know that’s a 4-letter word and all…

Getting to meet Amy and catching up with Linn!

Getting to meet Amy and catching up with Linn!

We had an absolutely wild day today chasing all over San Diego catching up with old friends and making new friends, revisiting old stomping grounds and making new memories. One of the highlights was finally meeting a lady I’ve worked with for over a year (Amy, in the middle) and a friend, former professor and mentor (Linn, to the right, with little Oliver in her “pouch”). The boys had a great time romping all around the park, especially in the little plasma boards Amy brought for us to check out! Then we moved on down the road to Coronado to see if we couldn’t find Johnny Hoffman, our former neighbor and friend (and retired Master Chief SEAL – that really should tell you most of what you need to know about him!). One of the funniest moments of catching up to Johnny was when mom asked “Does he B I T E?” about his huge iguana (she spelled it out). Johnny got this incredibly blank look on his face, then said “B I T E? I mean, I know it’s a four-letter word and all but does he bite?? I’ll go ahead and say it!” Click for the rest of the photos and stories. I am tired…again…having too many adventures! Mom and I have been cracking up tonight over the escapades, and periodically watching a really wacko video of a gecko…

Catching up with old friends - Johnny is like none other!
Catching up with old friends – Johnny is like none other!

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