20140717 210422 20140718 102518 20140718 151317 20140718 151530
20140718 151544 20140718 154630 20140718 154654 20140718 154706
20140718 154712 20140718 154734 20140718 154911 20140718 155001
20140718 155228 20140718 160953 20140718 161002 20140718 161312
20140718 162106 20140718 163106 20140718 164032 20140718 164051
20140718 171608 20140719 094316 20140721 203911 20140722 183051
20140723 165516 20140717 202039  We adopted a rooster from a friend who really didn't plan on keeping a rooster but got one by accident from the hatchery. He is an Iowa Blue, so he is not only handsome, but farely rare and a good hawk-fighter. I can attest to his wiley-ness. I have had to try to catch him a few times to help him with the integration here, and also to treat the birds for parasites. It has not been easy!!! 20140717 202211  So you don't normally integrate a rooster with a flock which already has an established rooster. Not a good idea. 20140717 203242  But I was determined that with proper time and methods, it could be done.
20140717 203948  I just needed to keep him alive long enough to allow the desensitization to happen. Gordon needed to get used to his presence. So he has bachelor quarters for now. 20140717 204150  He is just learning to roost. He didn't have roosting bars at his old home, so I gave him one to play with. 20140717 210404  First night - I really want to get in, guys!! 20140717 210411  Geez, inhospitable creeps!
20140717 211000  I finally let him go in and he bunked down here by the door. That made me nervous, though, as morning would come and he'd be unprotected. So I got up at 4am, before dawn, and built him a protected area within a nesting box and shuffled him in there. Then back to bed for me. And Sparrow. 20140718 102445  Next day - roller hockey camp for Sam and Ben found a friend to play with! 20140718 151308  Sparrow getting yogurt! 20140718 151322  Hmmm...pretty good!
20140718 151332  Joint beak projects help with integration. 20140718 151536  Focusing on food, not on pecking the bjeebers out of each other. 20140718 154614  Sam building some things for them to play with. 20140718 154659  His feathers shine blue in the sun.
20140718 154955  See that tail offset? It is supposed to be - a breed standard jaunty 80 degrees. 20140718 160028  Three roosters! 20140718 161152  Sparrow found a good dust bath area under the coop. 20140718 161318  Sam helping Gordon play on the jungle gym.
20140718 161845  Ben watering the potatoes. 20140718 162101  Sparrow getting more and more privileges from the flock. 20140718 163124  Seeing if it's level for sitting during chicken happy hour. 20140718 163444  The chickens really seemed to like this bench!
20140718 171559  Sparrow mated the alpha hen (AllisonAudrey) on one of his first outtings, but Gordon did NOT like that! And she was so stunned she gave herself a time-out to think about it. 20140718 201822  Ah-ha! I shall be king! 20140720 153744  Sparrow and AllisonAudrey standing the same way, looking in. Still mostly keeping them separated from each other (the roosters). 20140722 192014  Eating dinner outside so we can monitor roosters all playing together. Going well so far!
20140722 202018  Getting ready for roostie time. 20140723 164425  All hanging out together ok! 20140723 164833  When all are in the run, the roosters stay on opposite sides of the coop. Out of sight, out of mind. Sparrow has integrated well, and we are happy to have him on board as apprentice rooster! It took twice as much time as a hen (a week vs 3-4 days), but worth it. Glad he's fine!