Geoduck adventure

IMAG0770  We biked down to Bay Hay for muffins, check the chicks, then to Manitou Beach to check out the tidal flats during way low tide (uber low, super low, whatever!). Lots of interesting things. Little sand dollars, huge barnacles...and... IMAG0771  still the barnacles, with something inside of them...but you just will not believe what we found... IMAG0772  after doing some nice digging, we ran into a friendly family. IMAG0775  And started digging some more when we were told that the little hole in the sand was a geoduck! The mom poked it and it squirted! Like 3 ft in the air! I jumped and screeched! I was so surprised! The boys loved it! So we decided we'd dig for one. We were not going to be outdone. So all the kids and I were digging furiously while the native (the mommy) watched and was probably thinking we'd never get it. Takes a long time. But my guys liked to dig. And we all have a big determined streak in us...
IMAG0776  So the nice daddy in the previous picture came over and started digging, too! We were all hollering, "get it! get it! you're almost there!" He said he could feel it, so we started digging furiously, trying to drain the water from around it so he could get a grip. Finally he got the NECK! And then he wrestled it out! Wow! Look at Sam's face! It is like 5 lbs I think. Huge! IMAG0778  Ben was totally not squeamish about it. Loved it. He came home and told all his "friends" (the stuffed animals) all about it! IMAG0780  Some nice friends who live across the street - Joyce and Kern are to the right. Kern was born in Honolulu!!! So we get to go back and talk story sometime. This is "his beach" and "his island"! Such a neat character. So we are in already with the neatest people. They came running down from the house across the road to see what all the commotion was when we were digging for the geoduck. I had no idea we were that loud. But I guess it was pretty exciting for us newbies! IMAG0782  So...all of this adventure has been by bike so far. After the beach, Sam really really wanted Lunchables at Safeway for lunch. (Really????) So we decided we'd honor that request and go for it. He really wanted to see if he could get there and back on his bike. Amazing guy he is. So he did. He did it, on a rusty bike too small for him with no gears. I don't know any other 6 yr old with as much sheer force of will. I am sure there are, and my hat is off to all determined 6 yr olds! May life always yield to your will! So off to Safeway we went, locked up the bikes, found the Lunchables and some good juices. Then back via Manitou Beach for a little reward...ICE CREAM at the Jiffy Mart! We rolled right up to the goods.
IMAG0784  Oh yeah. Think he shared any with me? IMAG0786  Nope! A very reluctant lick for me! Then the tiniest little bone at the bottom. So...this guy clocked a 7.8 mile bike ride today. Finally home around 3pm for some Lego time to Beethoven's Ghost trio (piano trio) and then some Geoduck research - eeeew! I think I've lost my dinner appetite!