Tsunami warning

IMGP0551  We took pictures of Dave's CD collection to inventory all the titles...just in case. This is something we've been meaning to do for several years now. Nothing like a potential disaster to spur one into action! IMGP0557  Here we are - 400' up waiting for the tsunami! IMGP0558  We brought the 'uke so Sam would have something to do while waiting. We were not in the "inundation zone" which means evacuation, but still I figured better safe than sorry and why not get a chance to watch. We were among the first up here on this ridge and were soon joined by about 2 dozen people. IMGP0559  My two new friends, both of whom work in environmenal education. Neat conversation and time spent making new connections. Small island!
IMGP0562  And look at their beer! BIG SWELL IPA! Too cool :) IMGP0567  Ben is playing whilst Sam is snail shell gathering, popping his head up periodically from the brush. IMGP0570  Watching and waiting. IMGP0573  Mom sliding down the slippery, steep slope quite gracefully :)