2006-10-29 Maunawili hike

IMGP8290  The view from the ridge - you can see the marsh to the center left of the frame, then at the far edge of the marsh is our street. Kihapai runs parallel to the marsh. we live to the far left of the frame. You can see our yellow Xterra at the trailhead below :) IMGP8291  Sammy waves to the camera. He was up early this morning, so we decided to head out for breakfast and a hike. He's tired here! IMGP8292  Awesome trail - great for mountain biking as well. IMGP8299  Nice stand of trees catching the morning light.
IMGP8303 pano  The trail hugged the Ko'olau mountains and wound in and out of valleys. Beautiful vistas when you pop back out of the valley into a clearing like this. IMGP8301  Hiking with one of my trekking poles - his favorite thing to carry on the trail. IMGP8306  Dave and Sam messing around.