A “Ha-wise-man” :)

Found on the beach while jogging with Ben. A "Ha-wise-man"! And J is for Jesus :) (In case you're wondering, I didn't cut any of the plastic or alter it in any way. Just cool finds.)

A "Ha-wise-man"! And J is for Jesus 🙂 (In case you're wondering, I didn't cut any of the plastic or alter it in any way. Just cool finds out on the beach while jogging with Ben.)

Ben and I enjoyed making some ornaments this morning with my dear friend Angie and her little girl Rachel. In other random notes (this site is really my digital journal so I can search out funny or interesting things about the boys when my memory fails – hopefully some of it is interesting to family reading along as well!)…the other day Sam was asking how high the clouds are here in Hawaii. I responded that some are low, about 2,000 ft, and some are high, about 30,000 ft. I then asked how many miles up that would be if each mile is about 5,000 ft? I had barely finished the question when he responded with confidence “Six!” Wow – great math exercise! On the way home from the playground he was explaining in great detail to Gramma and me about photons being packets of energy released by the sun during nuclear fusion. He used the word “emerge” regarding photons “emerging from the solar surface.” Gramma and I were impressed. But I wondered if he really knew what “emerge” meant so I asked and he said “to arise”…wow! Not exactly what I had in mind but I can definitely see the connection. All the while Ben is sitting in his car seat singing (loudly) and periodically going “Oh! Oh yeaaah…yeaaaahh. Photons. Yeah!” We hid the “J” ornament above in the tree for Ben so he can learn that letter by finding it…Sam rehides it each night. He’s got “T” down (T was the first plastic trash I found and he held onto that little black plastic T for a long time). Now he also has S and often A (even a small “a” found in “Santa” the other night – I don’t remember teaching him that at all). S is for Sam, of course 🙂

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