L1060077  Heading to school! Thanks for being such a great teammate, mom! L1060079  Quite a traveling road show! High-five mom for doing it all in one trip with me :) Ben did a good job keeping his feet on the dry ice cooler (which Mom and Richard picked up for me). L1060080  Getting ready - the kids are down in another classroom for computer time. L1060085  Making sure we have smoke!
L1060087  Yes! L1060089  And they're here! L1060090  Adding some more water. As luck would have it, my carafe developed a mysterious leak. So I ran out of water prematurely and had to use backup systems (Ben's water). L1060092  Watching eagerly! Birthday boy getting a front-row seat.
L1060094  Teaching about SUBLIMATION! (Dry ice, which is frozen carbon dioxide, goes from solid to gas - no liquid phase like water has.) L1060095  More science class time! Getting the caldera smoking again! L1060096  Candle lighting time. L1060097  Blowing out his candle!
L1060099  Whew! L1060101  Nice class of kids. They were very excited about it all. L1060104  All eating! They wanted more magma! L1060106  Hanging out with a buddy.
L1060108  Even the duck found us! L1060109  Thanks for being so good, Ben! L1060110  The office ladies had some as well :) Volcano Cake goes to school sm